Weather Delay: The show will begin at 2pm on Friday, January 24th

Fishing Seminar Captains


Captain Dave Kowert

Master Captain Dave Kowert started as an instructor in college, and some things never change. Dave has too many accomplishments to name, so we will summarize with a few brief highlights – Dave is the past commodore of Charleston Yacht Club and CORA, current president of The Southeastern Region of the Blue Gavel (past commodores), certified US Sailing and BoatUS instructor, and is a 100-ton master captain. If that is not enough, he is also certified in scuba and first responder. He races and runs team-building events on the water in his spare time.

Cruising for a Bruising: How to Prepare and Operate Responsibly
Sunday 2:00pm

Hey Y’all Watch This: Safety at Sea
Sunday 2:30pm

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